Corporate and Employee Relocation

Find the best neighborhoods for each corporate transferee or new hire in minutes.

Location, Inc.’s proprietary neighborhood and city data sets, our formatted neighborhood reports by property address, and our patented NeighborhoodScout® search engine provide corporate relocation companies and in-house human resources departments with the most accurate and flexible destination services search tools available today.

Find the best neighborhoods for each transferee, family or new hire in just minutes. Provide personal service through technology – quickly and cost-effectively.

1. Specify the neighborhood attributes most important to the transferee, new hire, and their family
2. Select the search area in miles from the office
3. Get color-coded maps, and rank ordered lists of the best neighborhoods for each family or person.

See fully detailed reports on any chosen location with a click. Each search is custom, every result is personal. All data are incredibly accurate. Matching algorithms are patented.

There are dozens of customizable searches. You can even match their current neighborhood to the new area, so the transferee feels right at home.

Access: The NeighborhoodScout® search engine can be placed behind your login area of your corporate website by subscription. Formatted Neighborhood Reports can be licensed in bundles or via API, and our data layers can be licensed for corporate use in shape file format. Contact us today to see how we can help you.

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