License NeighborhoodScout® Data via API or Bulk File for Enterprise Use
Over 2,500 unique data elements for every location, all in one place.
While your business goals may change, your source for the most accurate data and analytics should remain the same: NeighborhoodScout.
NeighborhoodScout offers 2,723 unique data elements to make up the most comprehensive, neighborhood-specific crime, demographic/lifestyle, housing, school performance, and real estate data available today.
NeighborhoodScout Data Elements
Available to License from Location, Inc.
Data Elements | Neighborhood | Municipality | State | Nation | School | School District |
Crime | ♦ | ♦ | ♦ | ♦ | ♦ | |
Schools | ♦ | ♦ | ♦ | ♦ | ♦ | ♦ |
Lifestyle | ♦ | ♦ | ♦ | |||
Demographics/ Neighbors/Households | ♦ | ♦ | ♦ | ♦ | ♦ | ♦ |
Neighborhood Setting | ♦ | |||||
Housing Characteristics | ♦ | ♦ | ♦ | ♦ | ♦ | |
Housing Costs/ Values/Appreciation Rates | ♦ | ♦ | ♦ | ♦ | ♦ | |
Similarity Index* | ♦ |
*The Similarity Index is a quantitative measure of which neighborhoods are most similar to any other, within any distance, or nationwide.
Unprecedented data integrity you can trust.
Industry veterans and PhD-led geographers have developed NeighborhoodScout’s proprietary data, some of which is patented or patent-pending.
As a result, NeighborhoodScout’s seamless national coverage provides a looking glass into every U.S. neighborhood, empowering insurers, real estate investors, mortgage bankers and lenders, retailers, and corporations to uncover opportunity, reduce risk, and make informed business decisions.
Crime Data
Location, Inc. uses hundreds of sophisticated spatial algorithms to process 9 million+ reported crimes into nationally comparable crime data. With complete coverage for every neighborhood, school district, municipality, and state across the nation, businesses can:
- Know the crime risk–including murder, rape, robbery, assault, burglary, theft, and motor vehicle theft–for every location.
- Easily compare crime rates across locations.
- Unlock crime trends and forecasts to see if any location is declining or rising.
School Data
Exclusive to Location, Inc., our patented, nationally-comparable school performance ratings enable an easy, benchmarked comparison of quality between schools, school districts, neighborhoods, municipalities, and states. Our school data can help your organization:
- Determine more accurate real estate values (real estate in top-performing attendance zones holds value in economic downturns better than low-performing schools).
- Better value assets.
- Balance risk with opportunity by including school performance in evaluations.
Lifestyle, Demographic, and Neighborhood Data
Location, Inc. uses hundreds of raw inputs to produce proprietary lifestyle, demographic, and neighborhood data for every neighborhood, school district, municipality, and state in the nation. Highly valued across industries, this information empowers businesses to better:
- Understand the DNA of a location, including culture, wealth, values, access to opportunity, and more.
- Determine the strength of the local economy.
- Target the needs and wants of the population base.
Housing Data
Get housing market insights, including exclusive market rent prices by number of bedrooms, house values, housing stock profiles, owner/renter mixes, and more, all in one place. Location, Inc.’s housing metrics enable you to effectively:
- Vet various locations and compare them against state and national averages.
- Determine what the local housing market will bear. For example, what does this neighborhood yield in terms of market rate rental income? How does the number look compared to the rest of the state?
- Measure which neighborhoods are the most similar, within any distance, or nationwide, with our *Similarity Index.
Put our data to work.
License NeighborhoodScout data for as low as $5K annually. Contact us to learn more.
Additional Neighborhood Data Products from Location, Inc.
Site Selection Search Engine
Location, Inc.’s powerful Site Selection Search Engine combines tools, search, and mapping all in one. Utilizing patented location search technology, the Site Search Engine can precisely match your specific business needs to the right Micro-Neighborhoods.
The Site Search Engine calculates, rank orders, and maps locations, with the goal of focusing your real estate search. As a result, you can go from a broad metro, state, or city search down to specific neighborhoods for your building facility, retail outlet, distribution warehouse, or hotel/restaurant.
Location, Inc.’s Site Selection Search Engine can be accessed via subscription. Contact us to learn more.
Formatted Neighborhood Reports

Location, Inc.’s formatted neighborhood reports are like “CARFAX for neighborhoods” according to Kern Investing, LLC.
Built from the largest database of neighborhood statistics available today, each report contains nearly 300 must-see statistics, providing revealing insights about any location.
Neighborhood Reports include real estate and home values, lifestyle and demographics, crime risk, and school quality. Enter an address and a Neighborhood Report is returned to you.
Location, Inc.’s formatted reports can be pulled by address manually, or via API and bulk file processing. Contact us to learn more.
NeighborhoodScout data and analytics contain no red-lining, no data about race, ethnicity, ancestry, language, religion, any protected class, income, educational attainment, or occupations of any kind.